Confessions of a Craftaholic

Tag: Tim Holtz

An Altered Journal for a Pin Up Fan

Today I worked on a swap. I do love creating things for swaps, it’s so much fun. The swap that I worked on today, is for an altered journal. Fortunately for me, I happened to have a very good artist sketchbook, just waiting to be altered.

My partner’s favorite color is purple, and she loves pin up girls. So here’s what I came up with:

Now, I know that it is not typical of me to have a lot going on, as I love to lean towards the simple side, but today I was in the mood for a lot going on. I used purple acrylic paint by Plaid Crafts, Pan pastels in purple, typewriter font background stamp, and fusible glittery fibers, by Art Institute Glitter. The flower is by Prima, and is hiding a smudge. Damned inky fingers.

I used dimensionals to get Ms. Betti Page to pop out a bit more.

The ribbon was sent to me as extras, in a swap I was in.

The film strip ribbon is by Mr. Tim Holtz. I love that stuff!

What else? Today I am catching up on a bunch of swaps. I usually do them in bundles, since I wait until I have the extra $$ to mail them all out. It’s easier to do it once every couple weeks or so, then to have to keep going every so often.

Oh man. The other day, I made the most AMAZING portobello mushroom pizza and blackberry lemonade. It was SO good. Don’t worry,the food blog is coming. But since I don’t have the most high tech camera in the world, you all will just have to wait until my dear husband has the time to take amazing shots with my crappy camera, of the step by step.

That’s all for today.


PS. –> Help FUND my CAUSE!

The Craftaholic

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A Muse, made just for me

So recently I had purchased these miniature dolls, made by Tim Holtz’s brand of products. It comes two in a pack, so I gave one to my daughter because I just cannot resist when she asks me for art supplies in that cute little voice of hers.

Then, you all know I went to the National Stationary Show. I was fortunate enough to meet Tim Holtz and his very nice marketing person, who sent me a little box of goodies for me and my art group to play around with.

Here’s an item I made with the little miniature dolls of his, and a few other items they sent me:

So now, here’s the thing. First of all, the chain was from a necklace I did not like at all. I loved the chain, but not the pendant, so I saved the chain. Secondly, it was my daughter’s idea to put wings on the back of the doll, so as she said, “it could be a fairy”. So that’s what I did.

Then I showed this to my husband, who said it would be cool to stain it, to look old somehow. I rememered that Tim Holtz has alcohol inks, which I also have some of. So this is what it looks like now:

You think it looks better before, or after? No wait, don’t tell me, since it is too late to go back to plain white.

Anyhow, I applied the alcohol ink and rubbed it in with a cotton ball, to smudge and smear it a bit. I like this necklace now, quite a lot. The charms that read, “wander” and “muse” are also Tim Holtz’s. I normally mix brands a lot more than I did today, but what can I say, I am a quiet fan.

So that’s that. I just saw a couple of documentaries that are REALLY awesome. If you have netflix, you can watch it from your computer. One was “Cropsey”. This one is a sort of urban legend crime documentary. I’m REALLY into crime documentaries. In fact, when I was a kid I wanted to be a cop. I did. I never pursued it, since my dad had told me women shouldn’t be cops. I obviously don’t believe that, anymore.

The other one I saw was called “Very Young Girls” which is filed under crime documentaries in netflix, but is about human trafficing in underage girls. I warn you, it’s really sad and at the begining, hard to watch. But it has a nice ending, I promise. It’s a good movie to watch when your kids are asleep.

That’s all for now, I suppose.

The Craftaholic

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Trumpet King Embossed Card

Here’s a set of cards I’m working on today. I finished the first one, and realized I ran out of embossing powder. So I’m off to Michael’s. But you don’t have to wait for that, so here’s a pic of it:

It’s from the set of stamps that I have for sale, in my shop.

I embossed him with versamark and black embossing ink. Then, I colored in his crown and trumpet with a gold marker.I also used a Tim Holtz embossing folder for the background paper, which is textured Stampin up paper. Then, I rubbed some green PAN Pastels on it.

You like it?

The Craftaholic

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Day 312: A Recipe Box, made over


“If objects and people evoke attachment in us, we do not understand the true nature of phenomena.”

-The Dalai Lama

The one thing that Buddhism and Christianity have in common is the idea that one must detach themselves from the idea of “worldy goods”, in order to achieve a higher state of spirituality.

Here, the Dalai Lama is telling us that we must understand life, in order to not be so “attached” to it. This means that I understand that life is short. I understand that as quickly as we attain things, we may also lose them. That is the way things are.

Life on planet earth should not be about how quickly we can obtain things, but should be centered on our goodness, and our desire to be better human beings.

Today, I made a recipe box. Sort of. I gave it a make over. I did forget to photograph it before. Sorry about that. But here it is after:

I used Mod Podge to paste pages from a vintage french dictionary, and then went over it with ink and the Tim Holtz alcohol applicator thingie.

Then, I pasted some pics by Graphic 45.

Like it?

I am really grateful to these swaps lately, as I feel like they are getting me on roll creatively! I highly reccomend joining swaps, if you are ever in a creative rut.

Speaking of which, I created a fun group on Swap-Bot. It’s for book binding! For those of you who love making your own journals or scrapbooks.

Join it!

Other than that, there is not much to report. My lady parts have not been aching so much, and at least now I know what’s the matter. Have to call the doctor, for test results.

The Craftaholic

Day 297: Birthday Keepsake Card


“It is said that if you want to know what you were doing in the past, look at your body now.”\

-The Dalai Lama

Your body tells an interesting story. Is that it? YEs. Your body, the way you carry yourself, your manners, the way you eat in public, your posture….all these things tell a story of what you’ve gone through.

It’s a good idea to keep our bodies healthy, and maintained. I’m trying. I am slowly giving up red meat. And today, starts me yoga practice again! I am going to do yoga every day, if I can. If I add it to my daily routine, I know I’ll do it. I’ll just add it in, after my morning crafty time. My daughter does it with me, so that’s not a problem. She loves it. So that’s my resolution for keeping my body healthy.

You’ll notice that yesterday I didn’t blog. This is because I am totally not feeling well, at all. It’s my “lady parts”. They are acting up and causing me lots of physical pain.

Also, today is my mother in law’s birthday, and so we celebrated it yesterday. I’ll show you the card I made.

I made her a keepsake card, that she can keep as a memory of her family.

I really like it! I used Tim Holt’z grunge board, my own homemade glimmer mist (inside the Ranger Ink’s mister thingies), A butterfly frame from Tattered angels, glitter by stampin up, and flowers by Prima. And the decorative paper by Colorbok. And the ink by Stampin up.

I like it. And she liked the earrings I also made her. At least that’s what she told me, anyway.

Well, this week is supposed to be a heat wave here in New York City. So that means more sweltering sweating nasty heat. And lots of sunblock. I try to go out when it’s hot, so that I don’t waste too much money on the A/C. It’s expensive, you know? Although it is nice to just hibernate away from the nasty oven like heat.

The Craftaholic

Day 287: Owl Magnets


“A good friend who points out mistakes and imperfections and rebukes evil is to be respected as if he reveals a secret of hidden treasure.”

-The Buddha

You know why this is? Because a real friend isn’t going to stay quiet when you make mistakes. Real friendships aren’t about the shallowness of flattering my ego all the time. Of course, if you want a shallow friendship, that’s up to you. But me? I prefer for my friends to be honest with me.

Anyway, today I made a set of owl magnets. But before I post the picture, I wanted to say that I think yesterday’s craftiness was a bit of a craft fail. Don’t you think? I don’t know. Anyway, here’s the owl magnets:

These are for sale, in my shop.

Another item for sale, is this card. I made it last saturday, when I went to my friend’s card making thingamajig.

Cool, right? The envelope is hand made as well as the card. I mostly do this because I run out of envelopes and it’s nice to make the envelopes, don’t you think?

Anyway, I’m off today to help my friend pack. She’s moving, and has a couple kids. What else? It’s hot as heck! Does anyone else out there feel utterly uninspired to cook? I SO do not want to cook lately. It’s just too hot!

Day 286: Altered Clock Owl Shrine


“Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes.”

-The Buddha

It is SO much easier sometimes to just give up. It is of course, much easier to just give up. But don’t. Don’t give up. Keep going. No matter what it is, you can get through it. Take it from a person who has been through hell and back: never, ever, give up on your dreams. EVER. It may not happen at the same time as your friend or neighbor, but what is meant to happen will happen, so long as you work at it.

Today, I made a shrine for an owl.

I went to Ikea, and bought a $2.99 clock, and took the parts out, and came up with a funny looking owl shrine.

What do you think?

There it is, on my bookshelf next to my Lakshmi Shrine, and my Saint. Francis statue. You see that tiny little box on the left, with a star inside? That is the first shrine I ever made!

Anyhow, it’s not in NYC. Really hot and gross. It’s best to stay home, and think cold thoughts. I’m feeling better with my cough and cold, but now my little one’s got it. Great.

I also better get cracking, I have a ton of swaps coming up! Holy moly!

The Craftaholic

Day 285: Card Making & The Coney Island Mermaid Parade


‘Love, compassion, and forgiveness—these are the things I preach.”

-The Dalai Lama

I’ll keep today’s post a bit short because as I said yesterday, I am feeling under the weather. It’s nothing, really. I just have a cold, but for some reason it has completely taken my energy away!

Suffice to say, that the three things aformentioned are probably what will make your life go easier, and will bring you to the road of success-not just materialistically, but spiritually as well.

It’s not just about forgiving others, it’s about forgiving yourself, and having time for yourself, and loving yourself. It’s not just about going through the motions of treating others nice-you must also be kind to yourself.

Today, I did two things. First, I went to a friend’s meetup group, particularly because my good friend Yoshi was going, and I hadn’t seen her in a long time. Plus, it’s nice to go to someone else’s workshop, where everything’s all set out for you, and all you have to do is create.

She had a pattern, but I didn’t go by it, of course because I NEVER do. ADD, and all that.

Here’s what I ended up with:

I used a stamp by Inkadinkado, and an embossing folder by Tim Holtz. The lady who ran the card class is a Tim Holtz nut, so she had lots of his products.

Owls of course.

That’s Yoshi and her daughter. I won’t post a picture of the class leader because I caught her off guard, and that just wouldn’t be nice.

Oh! I also went to the Coney Island Mermaid Parade today.

Cool, right? If you’ve never been, you should go. It’s hot, sticky and crowded, but if it’s your first time, it’s so worth it.

The Craftaholic

Day 282: The Key to Bliss


“Others gaining happiness is more important than yourself alone.”

-The Dalai Lama

We are quickly approaching the end of my quest. So far, I’ve learned that the key to your happiness and success in life, lies with how you view the world, and what you choose to surround yourself with. I’v e learned that you can create your happiness or your destruction. I’ve also learned how important it is to go outside yourself and think of others, and think of the greater good. These things, when followed whole heartedly, can create happiness and success in life. There is no need for you to be angry, and wonder what happened to you, or why did this happen, why did that happen….you must simply let go of the negativity in your life, and grasp onto that which uplifts you.

Today, I made a pin. It’s a cute “mixed media” art pin, inspired by a contest that “Cloth Paper Scissors” magazine is hosting.

This one is for me. I love it. I made a few others, too:

I like them a lot. I am off to teach a free class at Glassybaby today, and I’m bringing them with me, to see if anyone is interested in purchasing them.

I won’t tell you how I made them, because I hope to be able to teach this as a class soon.

What else? Oh, I have a funny picture. Yesterday I met up with a good friend of mine, and we went to the playground. This picture was taken on our way back from the playground.

This of course, was moments before all three of them went crashing to the ground.

The Craftaholic