Confessions of a Craftaholic

Tag: knitting

The F Train Shawl

I finished that star swap I mentioned a few days ago. Here’s another item I made for her. I made a shawl for her, and crocheted a couple of stars onto it.

I call it the F train shawl, since I started and finished it all, while sitting on the F train going to and fro.

I added fringe even though I honestly detest adding fringe. And that’s the star there. Oh be quiet, it does TOO look like a star.

So that is that. I’m working on a few things for some workshops and such coming up. And hopefully in April, I will going away to visit some friends in Rochester. That will be fun. What else? Meh. Not much to report.

It’s a rainy day in Brooklyn, and all is rather quiet. It’s a day of art making, poetry writing, and playing with my little one today.

The Craftaholic

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Something JUST for me

Recently I finished a cowl that I made JUST for me.

It’s mine, all mine I tell you.

Sorry the pictures are crap.

Anyways, I rarely get to make anything for myself, and here it is. I am going to call this one the Jersey Girl cowl. Why? Because you know…I’m originally from NJ.

Oh, but if you want to make this with me, I have a workshop coming up, that comes with everything you need!

I have a major labor of love project that I am working on. Mini accordion style books for a friend’s baby shower. And tomorow I have a fun shrink plastic jewelry making workshop! If you’re nice, I’ll post pics.

Oh and I wanted to mention that I’m having a sale in my shop. My rubber stamps are ON SALE marked down, PLUS FREE SHIPPING! YES, really.

The Craftaholic

Visit my NEW Online Shop!


The Dahlia Cowl

This morning I finished a cowl that I’ve been working on for my mother in law. Her nickname is Dalia, so I named this cowl, the Dahlia cowl. The yarn is lovely and goes thick and thin, and knitted on large needles makes this the perfect project to work on as a last minute Xmas gift.

What do you think?  I hope she’ll like it.

This is part of her gift. Today, I have to get out my self hardening clay for the second part of her gift. AND I have to start my mom’s scarf. I am unsure as to weather or not I should make her a cowl or a scarf. My mom is a prim and proper church lady. What do you think I should make her? Scarf ? Cowl?

The Craftaholic

Visit my new online shop!

Gift Tags for your Knitwear

So I made these cute gift tags recently.

Cute, right?

I love this! It’s so adorable.

Anyway, this comes in a set of 5, and you can purchase them in my etsy shop.

The Craftaholic

Stitch and Bitch Lunch with Debbie Stoller

Yesterday I had the pleasure of being invited to a book release party with Debbie Stoller.

It was so much fun! Although I am not a fan of cold cuts, I did have a lot of fun and it was so awesome to meet Debbie Stoller. It’s alwasy wonderful to meet a person who works in the craft industry, who is down to earth, and doesn’t think her poo doesn’t stink.

I thought I’d share some pics with you.

My stash. I love this color for this time of year, so I’m making a hat for my little one. I think I’ll have enough to make a flower on the side, and ear flaps.

Debbie was talking about her book, what inspired her, and about the contents of the book: the patterns, the stitch work, etc.

There she is, posing for me. She’s a very sweet person! It is so refreshing to meet someone who is so accomplished, yet so down to earth. You’ve gotta love that.

Today has been designated as the Halloween decoration day in our house. I LOVE halloween. I wasn’t allowed to celebrate it as a kid (due to my parents being very religious), so when I had my daughter, I went nuts with halloween! It’s so fun! Free candy!

The Craftaholic

Day 362: What’s on my needles


“Try to develop a deep conviction that the present human body has great potential and that you shall never waste a single minute of its use.”

-The Dalai Lama

Life is too short to waste time. Before you know it, your children will be all grown up, and will be out, applying to universities and looking for part time work.

It is for this reason, that I decided to stay home. Now, I believe in women’s equality and feminism and such. But I don’t think that there is anything wrong with my decision to stay home. I chose to stay home with my daughter because you children always come first, before your lifestyle, and before your own personal comfort. A lot of times, people choose their personal comfort over their children.

It’s sad, I think. I spoke to a woman on the train once who told me, “when I was on maternity leave I couldn’t wait to go back to work, because I was so bored. I couldn’t stay home!” That’s so sad, I think. I don’t stay home because I am this mid west farmer’s wife. In fact, I am a New York City feminist artist. I stay home because….life is short. Children grow quickly. I want to be close to my daughter. I don’t want to waste time working for someone else, donating half of my pay for her childcare. I’d rather care for her myself, and see her grow up.

Anyway, today I thought I’d show you what’s on my needles. It’s getting colder these days and so I started working on a lap blanket for my daughter when she is in her stroller.

Obviously, I have to block it. But yeah, this is going to be a stroller blanket for my daughter. Yes she likes her stroller. She’s three. She was going without for a while, and then decided that she wants to be in it ALL the time now. I started it last night, and figure that if I work at it steadily, I can be done by the time it really starts getting cold.

I am all caught up with my swaps! I am beside myself. I have a few to finish by the end of the month, and that will be fine. I did have to order more jewelry findings because most of the swaps I’m in are jewelry swaps. I’d like to make more of the jewelry with my same mixed media flavor, so that will be fun.  Maybe some puzzle piece earrings, or some domino earrings. I’d like to accumulate some more beer bottle caps, and make some earrings with that. We’ll see.

That’s all for today. I’m in a crabby mood this morning. I’m not sure why, I think I’m just feeling moody. It happens.

Day 314: The Frog & Toad Wrap


“If children do not receive proper affection, in later life they will often find it hard to love others.”

-The Dalai Lama

YES. Because life is short, and before you know it, our children will be grown, and what will you have to show for it? It’s something to think about, just on it’s own.

The nice thing about scrapbooking is that you can preserve all those memories, the circus ticket stubs, the first hair cuts, the first tooth….

It’s nice, you know?

Today, I finished a knit project. Finally. This is one of my personal faves. This design is based on what I see on the streets of New York, what I see women wear.

I call it, “The Frog & Toad Wrap”, because the colors remind me of the stories of “Frog & Toad”. The pin is vintage, from my mother’s collection which she gave to me some time ago.

I love it.

And that’s the pin. It’s a little spider.

Anyway, that’s all for now. I have a workshop that I’m teaching this weekend. I am UBER excited about it, since it was featured in Daily Candy! Cool, right?

If you happen to be doing nothing this sunday, come out and learn to make your own eye shadow!

Also, I wanted to mention that while this above knitted wrap is NOT for sale, I can custom make one for you, in the shade of your choice.

The Craftaholic

Day 304: Art Making In Central Park


“Status and fame do not really help much in this life and do nothing for future lives.”

-The Dalai Lama

Why is it that we get so caught up in identifying ourselves through labels? Labels. Honestly, I hate them. Why do you have to label yourself a this or a that? It almost makes you think that we try to keep others away with the labels we put upon ourselves.

Are we? Are we trying to keep away certain types of people? Or, do we just want to make ourselves feel better, by distinguishing ourselves by our title?

We are no better than ants. We truly are not. And again, I’ll say what I’m always saying: no one really cares. No one cares about your MFA, or your classically trained whatever, or your professional this or that. No one cares. Words don’t matter in life. Do you really remember Picasso for his words, or his paintings? Do you remember Jean-Michel Basquiat for what came out of his mouth, or what came out on canvas?

We remember Allen Ginsberg for what he created. A writer, a poet…a poet creates stories and feelings and transports you, with just the melody of his words.

We remember the mighty, not for their words, but the life they lead.

Yesterday, I went to Central Park with some friends from my craft group. We met in front of the Dakota (where John Lennon used to live), and then ventured in to Strawberry fields.

I made a tin for my knitting notions. I lost my last one, with all the notions too, so here’s a new one.

Like it? The paper is fancy pants, and the dress from and butterflies are from Webster pages.

Here’s a few of us, in action:

It was so much fun!

Today, I have to re-organize my supplies. They are once again, a mess.  I also have to look through my yarn bin, for a project a friend and I are working on.

I also have to work on some swaps today, so that should be fun. Butterflies, and Owls. Yay!

The Craftaholic

Day 288: Knit a Cup Cozy


“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world.”

This says it all. What amazing words.

What do you want in this world? Do you want peace? Prosperity? Create it. Think it. Be it. Make it happen. Make it come to you.

Today, I have a fun little pattern for you.

I don’t know about you all, but I am S I C K of summer. I can’t wait for the fall, when I can get back to using my oven! I don’t mind the hot weather, but I really don’t like having to hibernate in the summer! UGH!

Anyway, this is a pattern for a little cup cozy. It has cables. It can be a cup cozy, or a wrist cuff.

So that’s what it is. It’s easy to make.
I used Debbie Stoller’s Stitch Nation  (Full O’ Sheep), and size 4.5 needles.
CO 32 sts.
Row 1-4: Knit
Row 5: (RS) p4 *K4, P4, rep from * to end
Row 6: K4, *P4, K4, rep from * to end
Row 6-7: repeat rows 5 & 6
Row 8: P4, *C4F, P4, rep from * to end
Row 9: repeat row 6
Repeat rows 5-9 for cable stitch pattern until piece measure approxamitely 5.5 inches. I finished mine off with a garter stitch row or two, but you can do as you wish, and then bind off, leaving a long tail to sew up.
Sew the seams together, and use as you wish! This can be a wrist cuff, or a cup cozy!
Either way, knit this up when you are just plain sick of the summer heat and can’t wait to wear your hand knits!

Day 284: Butterfly Wall Hanging


“Violence is a destructive power. Nonviolence is constructive.” -The Dalai Lama

I’ll keep today’s post rather short because I am feeling under the weather, and have been laying down all day. At any rate, violence doesn’t have to just mean with raised fists. It can be with words and gossip. Words can hurt. It was shocking to me to learn, when I delved into the craft world, that there is so much cattiness, gossip, jealousy, and competition. And stealing of ideas. And backstabbing. It is insanity. To me, art is something that surpasses the idea of who is better than whom, or who has unique ideas. Cattiness, gossip, and ill words are destructive.

Use your words for good, not bad. Don’t talk about people. If you feel the need to gossip about someone, perhaps you should just think of what it is about the person that you envy. Yes, I said it. Deal with it.

Today, I made a pretty wall hanging. I’ve been into the butterfly thing lately. But don’t worry, I’ll get back to my owls soon enough.

I really like it.

Here’s a close up of the butterflies:

Nice, right?

I like this a lot. I want to make one for my beloved owls.

Oh, I also made the most delicious cupcakes. Burnt Butter Brown Sugar Cupcakes, from a recipe book of Nigella Lawson, “How to be a Domestic Goddess”.  I added hazelnuts, and it is simply amazing.

Oh, and this is what’s on my needles:

I can’t tell you what it’s going to be because it’s for an article that I’m submitting to something that I also can’t tell you. But if I get the job, you’ll be the first to know.

The Craftaholic