Day 347: A Halloween Chunky Book

by thecraftaholic


“Human potential is the same for all. We all have the power of thought—so what are you lacking?”

-The Dalai Lama

Holy moly! The power of thought. When we think of what we’re lacking, we tend to think of practical things like diapers, money, clothing, food…but those are just external things. What we lack is the idea that things will get better, that we have the power to improve things, just on our own. And we can. When we believe in ourself, we accomplish much.

Today, I accounted for the lovely autumn weather by making a Halloween themed chunky book. I really love how it turned out. I have an appointment next week with someone (I can’t tell you who yet) and I must prepare a portfolio of my work. I am so excited for it! I wish I could tell you, but I can’t yet. It’s next week, though. I can tell you that.

Anyway, here’s what I made:

I used a vintage frame that I had laying around, just waiting for such a project. Lovely, right?

The tabs are handmade, of course.

That frame was part of my wooden vintage frame. I took it out, and voila!

The handmade flower is easy. It’s just six or so scallop circles with a brad in the center, then they are crumpled up into a ball to look like a flower bulb, then you slowly unfold them. Easy peasy!

So, what do you think? You like it? I love it. Today is lovely! The weather outside reminds me of when my husband and I first married, in the fall. It was such nice cool weather, and everything we had was brand new…you remember that feeling?

I guess I am feeling nostalgic because my anniversary is coming up next week, on the 30th. It’ll be 7 years of us being together. I’m not a fancy pants kind of lady, so I don’t need much. I’d like a Smashing Pumpkins CD that I lost  to an old boyfriend years and years ago. That, and a sit down dinner at this old fashioned diner in manhattan. It’s called La Bonbonnierre, and it’s almost next door to the Ink Pad. That’s all I want, really.

Anything else I want? Actually that’s all. I honestly can’t think of anything realistic that I want. Amazing, right? Meh, I’m a simple girl, really. Given the chance, I would rather buy art supplies than clothing. I don’t know why, but whenever I set aside money for clothing, I end up buying art supplies.

I don’t know what to get for my husband. At all. He’s not a tie wearing guy, I can tell you that. I got him the mandolin he’d been asking for. Maybe, I’ll make him some really good soap. He’s into good soap. That’s how I got into soapmaking. I had made soap before I met him, and then when we started dating, I started making more for him, because he loves a good bar of scented soap. So I’ll do that then. I wonder if anyone makes a fragrance oil that smells like Irish Spring…?

The Craftaholic