Day 44: "Flower Child" Hair Clippies

Day 44:

“If one’s life is simple, contentment has to come. Simplicity is extremely important for happiness. Having few desires, feeling satisfied with what you have, is very vital: satisfaction with just enough food, clothing, and shelter to protect yourself from the elements.”

Wow, if only we crafters could take this into practice eh? Perhaps our spouses would be a bit happier and our homes would be less cluttered.
Lately, I’ve been trying to make due with what I have.
We complicate things so much, don’t we? Why can’t we just keep things simple? Life can only be simple when we simplify our way of thinking. Mind, body and soul, must be simplified. Just clear of the clutter. That’s what opens doors. Cleaning out the clutter, both in your home and in your mind and soul.
What is simplicity? For me, simplicity means being happy with what I have, and what I can have right now. When I remind myself of this principle, I bring happiness to my life.
I might not have a craft room. But I’m happy to make cards and paint on the floor. I might not have a sewing machine that works, but I’m okay with using my mother in law’s industrial machine downstairs. I’m happy with my life. I may not have the luxeries that some people do, but I live in one of the biggest cities in the world. I have a beautiful little girl who enlightens me every day. I get to stay home with her. I make art every day. I have a couple bins full of wondrous art supplies. Good food. Great husband. I’m happy just where I’m at. But I strive for my goals every day. To me, that’s simplicity.

So for today’s wonderful creative endeavor, I ended up making some lovely hair clippies.
Now, I made a whole bunch of these a long time ago for my daughter, and everyone is always telling me who cute they are, and that I should sell them. So, here are a few for sale on my knit shop.
Like them?

The Craftaholic
Check out my etsy shop here and here!